Sunday, November 16, 2008

Veterans Day!

Yes I know that Veterans day was last Tuesday but I finally have time to sit down and update my blog. In Altamont they did a Veterans Day program, and dedicated a Veterans Memorial, that a boy wanted to get organized for his eagle project. Anyways the elementary students sang at it and it was out side at nine in the morning....LUCKILY it was a pretty nice day. The program started then they had to Black Hawk helicopters fly over us and that was Ryzer's highlight of the whole program.

This is Kyler and a friend of Brant's Tammy. They went to high school together.

Kyler and Mocovey sitting in the shooter seat of the Black Hawk Ryzer in the Pilot seat of the Black Hawk.....that is a scary thought! It is amazing how big these helicopters really are when you are so close to them. Ryzer and Molly with Tammy. Kyler singing for the program. Waiting for the program to begin. Here is Molly, Ryzer, and Maddie sitting waiting for the program to begin. (Maddie is a little girl I babysit.) These picture of the helicopters really does no justice for how cool this was.


*aNdY* said...

Hey its at, and its only 15 dollars.. so its not expensive but its really fun... just so you know :)

kakaw master said...

nice pictures. looks like fun!

*aNdY* said...

super super easy it basically does it for you..