Friday, February 12, 2010

Kyler's First Grade Program

Kyler had his first grade program yesterday for Presidents Day and he did a very good job! He has been practicing hard at home to get these songs down. The also said the Pledge of Elegance and the signed to it which was cool to see.
Here is his class (Kyler is the fifth one over from the left side top row)
Kyler's class did an America poem and he got to hold up the letter E he was pretty excited about that. Then they also sang a song too.
Kyler was so proud of his new hat and bandana.... I think he is still wearing the bandana :)
In Altamont there was only two first grade classes. In Roosevelt there are nine first grade classes, so my camera does this really cool panoramic shot, so I thought I would try it to get all the kids and I still missed out a whole section of kids. There were a ton of kids. It was crazy!! Kyler"s class sat on the far left side
and of coarse... when ever I have the camera out and Molly is around we have to take at least one picture of her.
This video is kind of long, but this is the whole first grade singing the National Anthem and if you can read lips most of these kids don't really know the words to the song... It is pretty cute I think.
Kyler did a good job and I must say I am one proud Mama!

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