Monday, November 8, 2010

Finally....I am back!!!!

OK so not really alot has happened in my neck of the woods, but I think all the pictures say everything for themselves.
So I love the fall. I love the leaves the cool weather I just love it all. So we were on our way to the city and I made Brant pull over so I can take my kids pictures in the leaves. I used this picture this picture to make a bigger one for my wall.
and this is how it turned out, I LOVE IT!!!
Carving pumpkins is a must thing for October, but I don't think Brant likes being the carver. and Molly refused to clean put her pumpkin.
now I know how Brant really feels about carving the pumpkins.
the finished projects!!
We went trick or treating on main street with our friends
Kyler the football player, Molly the UofU cheerleader, Ryzer Luigi, Jacob a clown, Jace a scary mummy and Jordyn a witch.
The kids had fun but I will probably never do that again it was slow and ridiculous.
Then at our ward party, Ryzer found his long lost brother. Jeremy was Mario. Molly won 1st place in the kids for her costume and Ryzer won second.
Brant won 1st in the adults too. Yes we really did shave his head for this old man do.


Lacy said...

I'm glad your back. Your kids look darling and that was a great costume for brant. I was looking at the picture and saying where is he I don't see him. HE HE so funny!

Wendy said...

I am so jealous - we haven't had a ward halloween party for years!! Bart and I think it was because the last time they let us dress up I went as the big bad wolf and Bart went as goldilocks. They must not like cross dressing!! :)

Unknown said...

HEY!!! I can finally access my blog again. But I changed my blog name to Just thought I'd let you know in case you want to see it :) <3 ya, Doni