Sunday, May 23, 2010

Molly's Dance Performance

Molly had her final dance performance until fall. She really does surprise me that she will get up in front of people and dance, but if you ask her to do a "private show" she gets all embarrassed. She is so sweet. She loved having her hair done and getting make-up on. She is defiantly a girly-girl!
Her first dance was tap.
She did all the facials that she was suppose to do.
here is the mad pouty face, with the finger shake.
her shimmy shimmy shake.
and the dance if over.
Her second dance was ballet.
We have practiced this first positions with her feet so hard and it paid off.
She is so funny cause she would look at Miss Susie when she need to remember the next part of the dance, but the parts that she knew she would look out towards the audience.
We worked on this part too, but she still doesn't quite get it.
Molly and her Daddy. Brant brought her flowers for after her performance and Ryzer asked me why he did that and Molly was right next to me and said, "Cause he loves me and he his proud of me!" and we sure our Princess!!


Lacy said...

Very cute. I need to get my girls in dance, soon!

Eddington's said...

She looks so cute!! Wish we could have been there! I was hoping you would have had a video on there so we could at least PRETEND we were there!! Love you guys!