Saturday, April 17, 2010

Derby TIme!

So in our ward the Elder Quorum put on a family Pinewood Derby. I have to admit I wasn't very excited to do this. I wasn't even going to do a car....then Brant talked me into it. Needless to say it was a blast!
Here are the kids cars.
Ryzer's, Molly's and Kyler's
Brant's car
My car
with Brant being in the Elder Quorum Presidency, I got involved more then I wanted to be, but these were the treats I came up with edible Derby cars.
Here is Ryzer with his car and he won the Best Paint award! Thanks mom for doing this for him! The prize he won was chip and cheese dip so we took them over to Nana's and Papa's to share since Nana pretty much won it for him.
Here is Molly's with her princess dolly car. (that is what she named it)
Kyler with his cop car.
Here is me and my Wiener! LOL I was actually surprised how well it did. I came in fourth in the adults and Molly's went the furthest in the kids. There were some cool cars there, but I think our were the best!! I do have to say Thanks to Brandon who help out alot with these cars and telling us all of his secrets!


Brian and Brandy said...

I love it you are so creative the cars are so cute! yours is my favorite Love the weiner car haha!

steff said...

Ha Ha Ha I love the cars they are GREAT!

Lacy said...

What creative cars. You make me happy thinking of your hotdog car. he he. love it.

Wendy said...

What a fun idea! You guys sure know how to have fun!!! :)

Matty and Jen-i said...

Ummm... holy cow. These are the coolest cars I've ever seen!